Calendar July 29, 2014 09:10

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thegodlyalpacha-deactivated2020: Hello, i was inspired to create one of your drawing from the armoured sailor moon collection. I was wondering if you can show me the shield design so that when i make it , i know what i need.

A golden crescent moon with gold lined ruby hearts on a light grey steel shield. Feel free to mix it up a bit as well. Once again, sorry for the very sketchy response, just been busy with uni work :).

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Calendar July 29, 2014 09:06

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knifekind: hi! im thinking about cosplaying your mage mercury design and i have two questions. one: does she happen to have a spellbook of sorts or was that hidden arm in her art just a hidden arm? and two: what does the front of her tunic look like, does it also have the mercury symbol on it or is it plain with simple stitching on it? thank you very much!!

It would be pretty cool if she had a tome but I like the idea of her having two free hands for magic. Another simple design for Mercury’s front. Even though I prefer the design to be rather simple, feel free to add a bit here and there :).

(Sorry for the very quick, sketchy responses, I’m spending most of my time on my uni final at the moment)

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Calendar July 20, 2014 20:39

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Enjoy. :)

Me and over 200 Animators participated in the Moon Animate Make Up Project which is a collaborated remake of an episode of Sailor Moon. Seeing everyone’s styles here is awesome! It was great fun being a part of a project like this and I hope you enjoy it!

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Calendar July 19, 2014 09:11

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Anonymous: I would LOVE to cosplay your Rogue Sailor Venus but... I am not clever or creative and I haven't a clue as to what to make the front of her costume look like. Any possibility of you drawing her again with the front visible sometime, for funsies?

I’ve been asked a couple of times for Sailor Venus’ RPG design from the front. Here’s a just a quick sketch. Basically under the large cape and hood she wears a lose, light orange blouse. A belt around her waist and a belt (connected to the waist belt) specifically for her short sword sheath. Hers is a very simplistic outfit that doesn’t hinder her movement or speed.

Hope this helped in some way to any cosplayers :)

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Calendar July 14, 2014 20:45

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The Sailor Scout, Fantasy RPG set!

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Calendar July 14, 2014 20:39

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Sailor Venus, the Rogue!

I was very torn between rogue or bard. That being said, Sailor Venus was the very first Sailor Scout to start fighting on her own. For a bard character this is incredibly difficult and unlikely. A Rogue on the other hand can be a perfect character to go solo. There is certainly a multitude of different rogues and I suppose Venus would be the charismatic kind (as opposed to the sneaky, the thief etc.)

This will be the last Scout RPG animation for now as I’m in the middle of making my final animation for uni and gotta put my head down.

Check out:
Sailor Moon, the Cleric
Sailor Mercury, the Mage
Sailor Mars, the Ranger
Sailor Jupiter, the Fighter

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Calendar July 10, 2014 23:22

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Anonymous: Hey, so... if someone wanted to possibly cosplay one of your Sailor Moon fantasy RPG designs, would you be cool with that? I wanted to ask before making any plans.

That’s absolutely fine! If you wanted to cosplay the Sailor Moon cleric outfit then you’ll have to ask Marek Jarocki as he was the one who designed it :)

If you do cosplay any of them be sure to link me as it’d be awesome to see :D

(also, due to the sudden influx of messages, if people ask me a question on anonymous I tend not to reply to them as they must be posted to the blog. I certainly appreciate the sentiment I just like replying privately :) - this being an exception of course for anyone interested in the cosplay idea)

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Calendar July 10, 2014 02:23

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Sailor Jupiter, The Fighter

Out of the five inner senshi, Sailor Jupiter should be the one on the front line. As her strength and attack power comes from her own ability and not any specific weapon this would mean her HP or at least defense should be decently high as well, therefore making her a good mix between tank and power house.But this is just what I reckon :)

I kinda skipped Mars’ explanation but hers was mainly based off her awesome bow and arrow attack.

Check Out the other Scouts:
Sailor Moon, the Cleric
Sailor Mercury, the Mage
Sailor Mars, the Ranger
Sailor Venus, the Rogue

Can you tell what I’ve been playing from that humongous shoulder plate (thing?) :P.

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Calendar July 9, 2014 07:11

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bloginkspot: Hey I was wondering which program do you use for your animation?thanks for your reply! btw amazing works! :D

I predominantly use TVPaint to animate in. I also use After Effects for touch ups if needed and Flash on rare occasions. TVPaint, unlike Toon Boom and Flash is a pixel based, not vector based, program. This is the main reason I like it, but everyone has different preferences :)

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Calendar July 8, 2014 10:22

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fightingeagle: You asked for help drawing stuff, because you feel compelled to animate everything, well have you tried drawing distant landscapes, like views of hills and stuff from vista points, or far away? While there is movement up close, at a distance all things seem to stand still, for the most part. You could try drawing just that to get back into the habit of still images? [Also my question is: What is sarcasm?]

This is a good idea! Thank you so much for the tip! If anyone else has a similar problem, try this out :)

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Calendar July 5, 2014 02:15

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Sailor Mars, the Ranger! Another addition to the Inner senshi, fantasy, RPG set.

Check out:
Sailor Moon, the Cleric
Sailor Mercury, the Mage
Sailor Jupiter, the Fighter
Sailor Venus, the Rogue

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Calendar June 29, 2014 08:41

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THANK YOU for 1000+ Followers :D

I’m so glad that so many people enjoyed the Cleric Sailor Moon which was inspired by Marek Jarocki‘s Armored Sailor Moon and that so many people decided to follow me.

Be sure to look forward to more animated fun!

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Calendar June 26, 2014 21:08

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hotdogcouch: Any idea of when The Alchemist and the Dragon will be released, and where?

The Alchemists and the Dragon will be finished by early November. The trailer will most likely be released in late November. It will depend on if it gets accepted into any festivals if I release the full thing online. For now it is currently in production and has no specific release date. (Sorry it’s so vague ): ) But I will certainly let you know when the first release will be :)

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Calendar June 26, 2014 01:25

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Welp, I couldn’t help myself, now I have to do all the inner sailor senshi as RPG characters.

As Sailor Mercury is seen as the smartest of the group she would obviously have some high Intelligence (stat wise) and would fit perfectly as a Mage. She’d be an odd sort of Mage that would focus her skills more on a substance (H2O) then on a school (eg conjuration or illusion etc.) This is simply my opinion of what she would be though :)

The design was inspired after paying tribute to Marek Jarocki’s Armoured Sailor Moon, which I made a small animation to here

Check out:
Sailor Mars, the Ranger
Sailor Jupiter, the Fighter
Sailor Venus, the Rogue

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Calendar June 23, 2014 03:42

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darkwingsollux-deactivated20151: Sailor moon cleric? I would think a Paladin would be more apt for Sailor Moon, she endures more than a cleric could, heals, and ultimately IS the paragon of the moon. Just my 2 cents

Oh, absolutely agree. In fact I was pretty torn between paladin and cleric, The main reason I went with Cleric is basically the majority of her attacks (in the anime at least) are of a more magical and less hand to hand combat nature and in most games (i’ve played at least) even though paladin’s do possess holy powers they tend to be more melee oriented with a holy sword etc. But certainty, I reckon she could be either, or even a multiclass, haha.

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Calendar June 22, 2014 08:33

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I am very much looking forward to the new Sailor Moon and after roaming tumblr was absolutely smitten with Marek Jarocki’s Armored Sailor Moon design.

I had a think about what Sailor Moon would be in a fantasy RPG and came to a Cleric as even though she has many items, one of them is the crescent moon healing wand.

Christ I’ve been animating for so long and not drawing that now I can’t just draw something, it MUST animate … NO EXCEPTIONS (… help me)

 Check out:
Sailor Mercury, the Mage
Sailor Mars, the Ranger
Sailor Jupiter, the Fighter
Sailor Venus, the Rogue

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Calendar June 11, 2014 10:01

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Compiled a little making of gif for the opening credits of the Moon Animate Make-Up Project

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Calendar June 9, 2014 05:31

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My Proposal document for:
“The Alchemists and the Dragon” Animated Short to come.

There are a lot of mistakes but ultimately it was very fun to print and bind

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Calendar May 31, 2014 04:14

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“The Alchemists and the Dragon”
Get ready for a quirky little animation about a family’s rather colossal mishap.

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Calendar May 29, 2014 03:00

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Watch the full video here

I finished this awhile ago. Decided not to ink or colour it as I actually like it as just pencil work.


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